\\1769 Authorized Version with 1833 Webster Update\\
Strong's Numbers from Englishman's Greek and Hebrew Concordances plus Verb Parsings.
The Bible text designated KJV is from the 1769 Authorized Version, commonly known as the King James Version. Extracts from the Authorized Version of the Bible, the rights in which are vested in the Crown, are reproduced by permission of the Crown's patentee, Cambridge University Press.
Opening titles are in "<< >>" in the Psalms and are shown as part of the first verse. The postscripts to the Pauline Epistles are displayed in the same way. All words that would normally be shown in italics are surrounded by "[ ]". These are words supplied by the translator. In the New Testament, the "[ ]" sometimes indicate textual variations between the 1550 Stephanus text and the text used for the 1611 version. There are a handful of cases where words are in brackets and have Strong's numbers assigned to them. This is not an error on our part. (e.g. 2Ki 19:31, 2Ch 10:16, Jer 6:14 in OT) (e.g. Ac 26:3 in NT)
The Englishman's Strong's numbers are taken from the Englishman's Greek and Hebrew concordance and should be 100 per cent accurate. Find an error and win $10 for each error. These numbers are shown as "<123>". Extensions to Strong's numbers are shown as "(8690)". Look up the number in the lexicon's to find out what it means.
Marginal notes are displayed as footnotes as follows, "{ ... }" Select Show Footnotes and a "+" will appear in window title. About 8400 marginal notes are included. Not all verses have these. Most of the notes are in the Old Testament.
The 1833 Webster Update is included as part of the 1769 Authorized Version. To activate, select Show Alternate and a "=" will appear in the window title. Most of the Webster renderings are included plus changes from some modern versions. The intent was to get rid of the obsolete words and phrases, untangle the grammar and still have an Elizabethan translation. The changes for the most part are quite minor and do improve the readability of the Authorized Version. In no way can this work be considered a new translation.
We distribute the exact 1769 Authorized Version text. Sharp Electronics in Japan spent a great deal of money to prove otherwise and failed. They found no errors.